Helpful Links & Community Contacts
Helpful Links & Community Contacts
Lexington City Website https://www.lexingtonky.gov/
This website you can find information on public notices, traffic alerts, meetings, events, boards and commissions, parks and recreation programming, press releases, job openings, laws and ordinances, community services, infrastructure, licensing and permits, maps and streets, and much more.
Other phone numbers:
Kentucky Utilities (electricity, street lights) | 859.255.2100 |
Columbia Gas | 859.288.0215 |
Kentucky American Water Company | 859.269.2386 |
Humane Society: | 859.233.0044 |
Environmental Health (mosquitoes) | 859.231.9791 |
District Court | 859.246.2228 |
County Clerk | 859.253.3344 |
Board of Education | 859.381.4100 |
Property Valuation | 859.246.2722 |
Health Department | 859.252.2371 |