Located near the intersection of Man-O-War and Tates Creek Rd., just minutes from downtown Lexington, KY, the Pinnacle neighborhood offers a true community atmosphere perfect for anyone. As one of the largest and most involved neighborhoods in Lexington, this community is comprised of over 1,000 single family homes, townhouses and apartments.
We welcome you to our neighborhood. Should you have any questions during your visit, please feel free to contact us.
February 2025
Bunco - Open Event
Events in February start off with Bunco night February 10th at 6:30PM at the clubhouse, open to all neighbors. Setup is dependent on the number of attendees, so please contact Pam Barnes at barnespam7@gmail.com if you plan on attending.
Bunco - Open Event
Events in February start off with Bunco night February 10th at 6:30PM at the clubhouse, open to all neighbors. Setup is dependent on the number of attendees, so please contact Pam Barnes at barnespam7@gmail.com if you plan on attending.
HOA Board Meeting - with Councilmember Curtis
We will also continue to have open HOA Board meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, with this month's meeting taking place on February 11 at 6:30 PM at the clubhouse.
I encourage everyone to join us and have your voice heard.
This month we will have our new city council member, Emma Curtis, in attendance for the first time after winning her election last year.
We will also continue to have open HOA Board meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, with this month's meeting taking place on February 11 at 6:30 PM at the clubhouse.
I encourage everyone to join us and have your voice heard.
This month we will have our new city council member, Emma Curtis, in attendance for the first time after winning her election last year.
Book Club - Open Event
On Wednesday, February 19th, Book Club will meet again at 6PM to discuss this months book: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. For those of us that, like me, can't find time to sit down to read a physical book, I have really enjoyed using Libby in conjunction with our local library to download audiobooks to listen on the go. At the time of this writing, there are multiple audiobook copies currently available within the app.
On Wednesday, February 19th, Book Club will meet again at 6PM to discuss this months book: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. For those of us that, like me, can't find time to sit down to read a physical book, I have really enjoyed using Libby in conjunction with our local library to download audiobooks to listen on the go. At the time of this writing, there are multiple audiobook copies currently available within the app.
Board Game Night - Open Event
Finally, the Family Board Game night will be on the 22nd of February at 7PM. Snacks, drinks, and even babysitting will be provided! Games will be supplied by the hosts, but feel free to bring your own to share as well.
Finally, the Family Board Game night will be on the 22nd of February at 7PM. Snacks, drinks, and even babysitting will be provided! Games will be supplied by the hosts, but feel free to bring your own to share as well.
Have more ideas for social events or would like to help out? We have formed the Pinnacle Social Committee which is organizing these events and is always looking for new ideas or volunteers to help.
If interested, please email us at hoapinnacle@gmail.com.
Lastly, Homeowners annual Dues were due on January 31st. If you have not paid yet, please do so immediately (avoid late fees).
You can pay electronically directly through our Homeowners Portal or by contacting our Community Manager, Alpha, at 859-214-0034 or general@alphahoa.com
If interested, please email us at hoapinnacle@gmail.com.
Lastly, Homeowners annual Dues were due on January 31st. If you have not paid yet, please do so immediately (avoid late fees).
You can pay electronically directly through our Homeowners Portal or by contacting our Community Manager, Alpha, at 859-214-0034 or general@alphahoa.com
January 2025
Pinnacle HOA Open Board Meeting - January 14, 6:30pm @ Pinnacle Clubhouse.
December 2024 - Holiday Events
Happy Holidays Pinnacle Neighbors!
We have a couple exciting events coming this Saturday, Dec 21st.
Pinnacle Christmas Parade 10-11AM
Santa and some of his helpers will be in a parade which will wind through Pinnacle, passing out treats and waving hi to all the good girls and boys. We have attached a map of his route (see below), so come out and greet him as he spreads cheer!
If you would like to participate in the parade please contact Betsy Stevens 859-948-2005.
Cookies with Santa 11AM - 1PM
Bring the family and kids to the Pinnacle Clubhouse to meet Santa and get a picture with him! We will have also have treats, drinks, and activities. There will also be a firetruck in the parking lot!
Pinnacle Christmas Parade 10-11AM
Santa and some of his helpers will be in a parade which will wind through Pinnacle, passing out treats and waving hi to all the good girls and boys. We have attached a map of his route (see below), so come out and greet him as he spreads cheer!
If you would like to participate in the parade please contact Betsy Stevens 859-948-2005.
Cookies with Santa 11AM - 1PM
Bring the family and kids to the Pinnacle Clubhouse to meet Santa and get a picture with him! We will have also have treats, drinks, and activities. There will also be a firetruck in the parking lot!
Also John Groft from REMAX Creative Reality is also sponsoring some prizes for the event.
We look forward to seeing everyone and hope everyone in Pinnacle has very Happy Holidays!
Decorations Scavenger Hunt
Lastly, we have put together a scavenger hunt of the various Christmas decorations around Pinnacle. Drive around and see how many you can find. A fun activity for the family during the Holiday season! Some are easy and some are hard to find.
See attached below. Enjoy!
Kind regards,
Pinnacle HOA Board and Social Committee

November 13th - Updates:
Election Results:
Election Results:
The ballots were counted at the Nov 12 Annual Meeting and the following 7 individuals have been elected to the new 2025 Pinnacle HOA Board
(alphabetical order):
Chris Brown
Hunt Cooper
Mike Habersack
Whitney Hall
Julie Harris
Stewart Priddy
Christopher Shaw
We would like to thank everyone who ran for the Board, as well as the very large number of Homeowners who voted (over 200!). Such a large interest, both in volunteering and voting, makes our community stronger.
We would also like to thank Kera Burks and Dan Wyse and who will be leaving the Board at the end of the year. Thank you both for your years of service to Pinnacle!
Pinnacle Small Business Saturday (Nov 30th) Event:
Join us November 30th as we celebrate our neighborhood Small Businesses on Small Business Saturday!!!
We have some amazing vendors that will be sharing their talents and services with us just in time for the holiday shopping season.
Stop on by the Pinnacle Clubhouse from 10am-3pm and see what items you can check off your list!
If you would like to be a vendor and participate in this event,
or have questions, please contact Pinnacle resident Kristi LaZur at mailto:kclazur@gmail.com
See the attached flier for details and mark your calendar for this fun community event!!!
Join us November 30th as we celebrate our neighborhood Small Businesses on Small Business Saturday!!!
We have some amazing vendors that will be sharing their talents and services with us just in time for the holiday shopping season.
Stop on by the Pinnacle Clubhouse from 10am-3pm and see what items you can check off your list!
If you would like to be a vendor and participate in this event,
or have questions, please contact Pinnacle resident Kristi LaZur at mailto:kclazur@gmail.com
See the attached flier for details and mark your calendar for this fun community event!!!

November 2024 – Election, Events, and Updates
HOA Election:
Dear Pinnacle Neighbors,
Friendly reminder as you vote on this General Election day, to also cast your vote for the next Pinnacle HOA Board, if you have not already. You can return your vote in the green envelope three ways: by mail, by dropbox at the Pinnacle Clubhouse, or in person at the Annual Meeting at 6PM Nov 12th. Note if you return by mail, it needs to be received by Nov 12, so we encourage you to mail it no later than Wednesday Nov 6th.
We would like have the largest HOA election participation in Pinnacle history, so please cast your vote and have your voice heard!
If you have any questions about this please contact Alpha Association (our community manager) at mailto:general@alphahoa.com or 859-214-0034.
Beavers have built, for the 3rd time this year, a dam behind Windstar Way. Last week, we had professionals remove the 4 beavers and create a hole in the dam, and they are now monitoring the area to confirm there are no more. Assuming all the beavers are gone, the dam will be removed shortly.
Thanks to everyone who attended Pinnacle Trunk-or-Treat. Congratulations to our contest winners: Haley Hill for the closest guess of 543 candy corns (actual 533) and our door prize drawing winner Aziel Johnson for finding all the pumpkins!
HOA Election:
Dear Pinnacle Neighbors,
Friendly reminder as you vote on this General Election day, to also cast your vote for the next Pinnacle HOA Board, if you have not already. You can return your vote in the green envelope three ways: by mail, by dropbox at the Pinnacle Clubhouse, or in person at the Annual Meeting at 6PM Nov 12th. Note if you return by mail, it needs to be received by Nov 12, so we encourage you to mail it no later than Wednesday Nov 6th.
We would like have the largest HOA election participation in Pinnacle history, so please cast your vote and have your voice heard!
If you have any questions about this please contact Alpha Association (our community manager) at mailto:general@alphahoa.com or 859-214-0034.
Beavers have built, for the 3rd time this year, a dam behind Windstar Way. Last week, we had professionals remove the 4 beavers and create a hole in the dam, and they are now monitoring the area to confirm there are no more. Assuming all the beavers are gone, the dam will be removed shortly.
Thanks to everyone who attended Pinnacle Trunk-or-Treat. Congratulations to our contest winners: Haley Hill for the closest guess of 543 candy corns (actual 533) and our door prize drawing winner Aziel Johnson for finding all the pumpkins!
Open Resident Event – Bunco – Monday, November 11
Continuing our series of open resident events, there will be Bunco game event at the Pinnacle Clubhouse next Monday, and residents are welcome to join. Bunco is held once a month at the clubhouse, usually the 2nd Monday of the month. If you would like to attend, please RSVP beforehand to Pamela Barnes at mailto:barnespam7@gmail.com
Pinnacle HOA Annual Meeting / Election – Tuesday, November 12, 6PM
Please join us for the HOA Annual Meeting where the next HOA Board will be elected. If you physically bring your ballot, the last call for ballots will be at 6:15pm, before the counting begins. After that ballots cannot be accepted.
Open Resident Event – Pinnacle Vendor Event – Saturday, November 30
We will be hosting our first annual Pinnacle Vendor Event on November 30 at the Clubhouse to highlight small businesses. It's a great way to sell your products and advertise your business to our local community. More details to come!
Christmas Neighborhood Parade
Saturday, December 21 10AM-11AM
Santa will be in a parade around the Pinnacle Neighborhood, waving, and passing out treats to all the little ones! If you would like to participate in the parade, with your decorated or special vehicle, please contact Betsy Stevens at mailto:betsy3200@aol.com on the the Social Committee.
Cookies with Santa
Saturday, December 21 11AM-1PM
Immediately after the parade, Santa will be at the Pinnacle Clubhouse for all the kids to visit with. We will have cookies and activities as well!
Kind regards,
Pinnacle HOA Board
The Pinnacle HOA Board can be reached at mailto:hoapinnacle@gmail.com
October 2024 Announcements
Open HOA Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 8th 6:30pm - Pinnacle Clubhouse
Tuesday, October 8th 6:30pm - Pinnacle Clubhouse
Monthly open Board meetings are held every second Tuesday at the clubhouse. All HOA members are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
HOA Board Nominations Reminder
As a friendly reminder, if you are interested in running for the HOA Board (7 Directors), the nominations must be returned by THIS FRIDAY October 11th in order to appear on the HOA election ballot. You can mail back the nomination form we mailed to all Homeowners a few weeks ago or just fill it out the 2025 Pinnacle HOA Board Nomination Form and email it back to our Community Manager at ashton@alphahoa.com . If you have any questions regarding being on the Board of Directors, please get in touch with the Alpha office at 859-214-0034.
Last Food Truck Sunday!
Sunday, October 13th 5 - 8pm - Pinnacle Clubhouse
Join us at the Clubhouse for the LAST food truck Sunday of the season!
We have live music with Andrew Kissel (5-6:30pm) and live trivia (6:30-8pm).
This week: Tacos el Tio, Daughters Southern, Eiffel Pizza, Kona Ice, and Rock House Brewing.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
This week: Tacos el Tio, Daughters Southern, Eiffel Pizza, Kona Ice, and Rock House Brewing.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
Halloween Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 26th, 2-4pm - Pinnacle Clubhouse
We will be having a fun event for the little ghouls and goblins in the neighborhood! There will be volunteers with decorated car trunks passing out candy as well as activities. More info to come!

September 2024 Announcements
September Food Trucks Sunday Schedule
Sunday, September 8th and Sunday, September 22nd 5-8pm
The awesome Food Trucks, Trivia and Music events continue these two Sundays in September.
Sunday, September 8th and Sunday, September 22nd 5-8pm
The awesome Food Trucks, Trivia and Music events continue these two Sundays in September.
Open HOA Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 10th 6:30pm
Monthly open Board meetings are held every second Tuesday at the clubhouse. All HOA members are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Tuesday, September 10th 6:30pm
Monthly open Board meetings are held every second Tuesday at the clubhouse. All HOA members are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Pinnacle Games Night
Friday, September 13th 6:30pm
Please join us at the clubhouse for a night of tabletop games. We will have a library of games or bring your own to share. All ages welcome!
Community Yard Sale
Saturday, October 5th 8AM - 2PM
August 2024 Announcements
Pinnacle HOA Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 13th 6:30pm
Monthly open Board meetings are held every second Tuesday at the clubhouse. All HOA members are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Pool Notice
Weekday pool hours will change to 4pm-8pm once Fayette County schools starts on August 14th. Weekend hours will remain unchanged from 11am-8pm.
The last day of the 2024 pool season will be Labor Day, September 2. The pool will be open from 11am-8pm on Labor Day.
August Food Trucks Sunday Schedule
Sunday, August 11th and Sunday, August 25th 5-8pm
The awesome Food Trucks, Trivia and Music events continue these two Sundays in August.
Sunday, August 11th and Sunday, August 25th 5-8pm
The awesome Food Trucks, Trivia and Music events continue these two Sundays in August.
07/07/2024 Announcements
HOA Neighbors,
We hope everyone had a fun and enjoyable Independence Holiday!
We have several events and notices for give the Pinnacle neighborhood:
Pinnacle HOA Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 9th 6:30PM
We are having our next open Board meeting this Tuesday the Pinnacle Clubhouse. In fact, ALL monthly Board meetings going forward will be open to the HOA Members, since we value Members input and everyone can get the latest information.
We are also looking to start a Social Events Committee and and would love a few volunteers. We are hearing from the community there is demand for more events (i.e. July 4 parade, euchre tournaments, community Clubhouse rentals, etc) so it would be great to have help here.
If interested come to one of the Board meetings or email the Board at hoapinnacle@gmail.com.
We are also starting a Pinnacle Neighborhood newsletter which will be sending out each quarter going forward to keep Homeowners more informed.
July Food Trucks Sunday Schedule
Sunday, July 14th and Sunday, July 28th 5-8pm
The awesome Food Trucks, Trivia and Music events continue these two Sundays in July.
We have live music (5-6:30pm) and live trivia (6:30-8pm) each week and will have several food trucks along with a Beer Tent, and K's Kettlecorn.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Again this year - we are inviting neighborhood businesses out to set up a table to promote/sell their products/services. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Again this year - we are inviting neighborhood businesses out to set up a table to promote/sell their products/services. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
Pool Early Closure
The pool will be closing a little early (5PM) on Monday , July 15th so that the Pinnacle Pirates can host their season end banquet to celebrate their very successful season.
Baby Pool and Splash Pad Closure
These two areas are temporarily closed since the water pumps that feed them have failed, possibly due to an electrical strike from the recent thunderstorms. We are working with our Pool Management company (Lexington Pools) to get these fixed as soon as possible.
Kind Regards,
Mike Habersack
President, Pinnacle HOA
06/11/24 Pool Announcement
HOA Neighbors,
Good news on the pool.
The Pinnacle Pool will now be OPEN this Thursday and Friday.
The installer is now able to work on the plumbing for the new heaters in a way that should not interrupt the pool operations.
Good news on the pool.
The Pinnacle Pool will now be OPEN this Thursday and Friday.
The installer is now able to work on the plumbing for the new heaters in a way that should not interrupt the pool operations.
06-09-2024 Food Truck Sunday
Food Truck This Sunday June 9th at Pinnacle Clubhouse!
Summertime is back in the neighborhood and that means the Food & Beer Truck Event is this Sunday, June 9th from 5-8pm and we have lots planned. Starting off, the event will run the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month (schedule is below.
We have live music (5-6:30pm) and live trivia (6:30-8pm) each week and will have several food trucks along with a Beer Tent, and K's Kettlecorn.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Again this year - we are inviting neighborhood businesses out to set up a table to promote/sell their products/services. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
This June 9th: Tacos El Tio, 305 Cubano, 3 Moms Pops and Rockhouse Brewing (beer) with Andrew Kissel with live music!
Other dates for the year are June 23, July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25, September 8 & 22 and October 13.
Come and join us!
Pinnacle HOA
Summertime is back in the neighborhood and that means the Food & Beer Truck Event is this Sunday, June 9th from 5-8pm and we have lots planned. Starting off, the event will run the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month (schedule is below.
We have live music (5-6:30pm) and live trivia (6:30-8pm) each week and will have several food trucks along with a Beer Tent, and K's Kettlecorn.
With live trivia, put your team together and show up - you have a chance to win $100 cash for first place or walk away with $50 or $25 for second and third place. Prizes courtesy of John Groft with RE/MAX Creative Realty. Again this year - we are inviting neighborhood businesses out to set up a table to promote/sell their products/services. Door prizes will be available courtesy of Matt Schaffer and IPM Pest & Termite.
This June 9th: Tacos El Tio, 305 Cubano, 3 Moms Pops and Rockhouse Brewing (beer) with Andrew Kissel with live music!
Other dates for the year are June 23, July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25, September 8 & 22 and October 13.
Come and join us!
Pinnacle HOA
05-18-2024 Announcement to the Pinnacle Homeowners Association
Meet and Greet with new Community Manager
Thursday May 23rd - 4-6PM - Pinnacle Clubhouse
Please join us at the Clubhouse to meet Ashton Threet, the owner of Alpha Association Management, who is our new community management company. This is a great informal opportunity for Residents to personally meet her. She and several HOA Board members will be there to answer your questions, help with signing up the new Homeowner software (Enumerate) and help signing up for pool passes.
Thursday May 23rd - 4-6PM - Pinnacle Clubhouse
Please join us at the Clubhouse to meet Ashton Threet, the owner of Alpha Association Management, who is our new community management company. This is a great informal opportunity for Residents to personally meet her. She and several HOA Board members will be there to answer your questions, help with signing up the new Homeowner software (Enumerate) and help signing up for pool passes.
Pool Opening!
Saturday May 25th - 11AM - 8 PM - Pinnacle Pool
The Pinnacle Pool officially opens this Memorial Weekend on Saturday! It will be open daily from that point on-wards. See the below flier for more information (number of guest passes, babysitter passes, etc)
Note: To access the pool each resident must apply for 2024 pool passes which is done here: 2024 Pool Application and your 2024 Annual Dues must be paid in full to access.
Saturday May 25th - 11AM - 8 PM - Pinnacle Pool
The Pinnacle Pool officially opens this Memorial Weekend on Saturday! It will be open daily from that point on-wards. See the below flier for more information (number of guest passes, babysitter passes, etc)
Note: To access the pool each resident must apply for 2024 pool passes which is done here: 2024 Pool Application and your 2024 Annual Dues must be paid in full to access.
First Food Truck Sunday
Sunday May 26th - 5 - 8PM - Pinnacle Clubhouse Parking Lot
Come join us for the first Food Truck of the 2024 season! There will be food, snacks, trivia and live music!
Bring your chairs, friends, and appetite.
Sunday May 26th - 5 - 8PM - Pinnacle Clubhouse Parking Lot
Come join us for the first Food Truck of the 2024 season! There will be food, snacks, trivia and live music!
Bring your chairs, friends, and appetite.
5 - 6:30pm - Live Music with Rhyan Sinclair (Pinnacle Resident!)
6:30 - 8pm - Trivia Contest
6:30 - 8pm - Trivia Contest
Food Trucks
Comete Alguito
KentuckyQ BBQ
Bears Chicken Shack
Mad Scoops Ice Cream
Blue Stattion Beer Tent
KS Kettlecorn
Lastly, if you have not paid your Annual Dues, you have until Monday, May 20th to pay them without penalty. See here how to pay by on-line, mail, or in-person: 2024 Dues & Assessments
Lastly, if you have not paid your Annual Dues, you have until Monday, May 20th to pay them without penalty. See here how to pay by on-line, mail, or in-person: 2024 Dues & Assessments
If you have any questions, please reach out to Alpha at general@alphahoa.com or
the HOA Board at hoapinnacle@gmail.com.
the HOA Board at hoapinnacle@gmail.com.
Kind regards,
Pinnacle HOA Board
Pinnacle HOA Board
04-30-2024 Announcement to the Pinnacle Homeowners Association
Pinnacle HOA Homeowners,
We have several announcements about the management company, dues, and pool we wanted to communicate to all Homeowners.
Management Company:
We would like to inform Homeowners that as of today April 30th, 2024, the HOA Board has terminated our relationship with Association Management Services (AMS).
We are pleased to announce that beginning May 1st, that Alpha Association Management (‘Alpha’) will be Pinnacle’s new community management company.
Our community manager will be Ashton Threet, CMCA. Ashton has over 10 years of experience in the association industry, with the majority in direct community management. During her tenure, Ashton has accumulated hundreds of hours of education and training in community management from her work in Kentucky and Nevada. Alpha encompasses the same drive and commitment to the community management industry. While newer to the Lexington market than other management firms, Alpha has made great strides in the standards of community management, being entrusted with the care and management of communities like Glasford, Firebrook Estates, and Lakes Edge Condominium. We are excited at this new start with Alpha.
Ashton and the Alpha team can be reached at 859-214-0034 or by emailing general@alphahoa.com
In the next few weeks, you will receive a welcome packet from Alpha with more information about the company, instructions on registering on the new Pinnacle portal website, and your individual account information.
To ensure a smooth transition for all aspects of the community, Ashton is asking for people with future Clubhouse rentals not currently showing on the community calendar to contact the Alpha office to ensure the dates you asked for are confirmed and recorded. You can view the community calendar here.
We will also have an Open House / Meet and Greet with Alpha Association Management at the Pinnacle Clubhouse on Thursday, May 23rd, 4-6 PM so you can come in, get to know the new management company personally, and ask any questions. Please join us.
Annual Dues:
If you still need to pay your Annual Dues, please send your payment via check or money order (make payable to “Pinnacle HOA”) directly to Alpha Association Management at 424 Lewis Hargett Circle, Suite 250, Lexington, KY 40503. Please ensure that your address is on your check. The HOA Board is granting a temporary grace period until May 20th of no late fees for Homeowners who have not yet paid their obligation. Also, note that homeowners who have not paid their dues will not be allowed access to the Pool when it opens. If your payments have been submitted to AMS but have yet to be processed by your bank, please contact the Alpha staff for assistance.
Pool Pass Applications:
The 2024 pool season is quickly approaching and we are now accepting pool applications. The
information below will help to ensure that your application process is seamless and that your household
will be ready for the pool on opening day.
Each household must complete the online application linked below for the 2024 season. Previous
applications and passes do not carry over. Upon approval, you will be issued an electronic pass that will
give you access to the pool. It’s that easy!
All members must complete an application for 2024.
Previous passes and applications do not carry over.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Alpha at general@alphahoa.com or the HOA Board at hoapinnacle@gmail.com .
Thank you for everyone’s support.
Kind regards,
Mike Habersack
President, Pinnacle HOA Board